Friday, December 30, 2005

An Attitude of Gratitude

Okay, I know that most of us have already come up with our new year’s resolutions for 2006. What is it about a fast approaching New Year that makes us start thinking of a fresh start? Out with the old, in with the new! I will, exercise more, eat better, spend more time with my spouse/family, spend less and save more, are a few of the top resolutions that people make at the start of every new year (for me it's more like every other day that I make these resolutions!). So instead of the usual more popular resolutions I've decided to make.... just one.

My new year’s resolution for 2006 is simple. It doesn't take any hard work, it won't cause me to run out of breath or have sore muscles, I won't have to give up cheeseburgers, and it won't cause me to stress or feel guilt if I spend a few dollars on a new shirt from the Gap. All it is, is a shift in attitude. This year I will train myself to have an Attitude of Gratitude. Start the year out right being thankful for all that is good in my life and all the blessings that my gracious, loving God has bestowed upon me AND to start thanking him in advance for the blessings that he will bestow on my in 2006.

I have been thinking about writing on this every since I decided a few weeks ago to start a blog site. I have been jotting down things that I am thankful for whenever something would come to my mind. So, for the whole month of January you will read each day about something that I am thankful for in my life. Some of the things will be spiritual, some about family and friends, and some about things that just bring me pleasure.

Thirty-one days to write about something I'm thankful for. Thirty-one days to remind myself how blessed I am. Thirty-one days to make a habit of waking up each day with gratitude. They say it takes two weeks to form a habit, well I have thirty-one days!

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Psalm 107:1


Blogger Morris said...

Good luck with that!

Mr. Morris
Ask Morris

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea!! I look forward to it!!!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh I am may have to copy this blog idea. GREAT IDEA! Love you Sonya so much!

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me think...what could I do for 31 days in January? Great idea!! We could all use a little more of this!


10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration! Looking forward to reading about it. Michelle

11:44 AM  

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