Friday, January 06, 2006

I'm Thankful for...............Prayer

I was inspired to write on prayer today after reading a blog written by someone I don't even know. I truly believe prayer is essential to our spiritual life and to our spiritual maturity. Without it our spiritual self/body would just die.

I have been told by many people that they view me as a prayer warrior. If that title is based on how much I pray, then I would have to agree! I pray all the time. Every morning -except Sundays- I sit down and have quiet time with God. I usually read my Bible, a couple chapters in a Christian based book and then of course I pray. Sometimes I pray for 5 minutes, sometimes I pray for longer. I just pray until I have said what my heart needs to say.

But my praying doesn't just end when my quiet time ends, I pray all throughout the day. That's my favorite part of prayer, I can do it anywhere at anytime. Just this morning while doing my quiet time my phone rang and I felt like I needed to answer it. Good thing I did, I found out I needed to be somewhere in an hour! I still needed to get dressed, so my quiet time was cut short. I had already read my bible and chapters in my book and the only thing left was for me to pray. No problem, I just prayed in the shower, I prayed while getting dress and then I prayed in the car. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing you can always pray. I mean think about it, I can't read my bible in the shower or I would have to go out and buy a new one! I can't read my bible while driving in my car, because I probably would have to buy someone a new car after crashing into them! Praying does not have to be in any set place or at any set time. That’s the magic of it!

My other favorite part of prayer is that it's only between God and me. I can pour my heart out to him without any kind of worry that he isn't really listening or that he is rolling his eyes at me. I don't have to use eloquent words, just what's on my mind and my heart. Sometimes I pray quietly, sometimes I pray very loudly. Sometimes I beg, scream, fall to my knees. Sometimes I even hide in the closet and just cry out to God. The best is God listens to all of it, he understands that sometimes I am so troubled that I need to hide away in the closet and just talk to him. He doesn't care that I'm in the closet, he just cares that I'm reaching out to him, talking to him. Really now, he is the only one I know that will follow me into the closet and listen to me! My friends would think I was crazy if the only way I could talk to them is if I was hiding in the closet!

I can talk to God about anything and everything and all that is between. He cares, he listens and if I'm quiet enough he talks back. This is what I'm working on, being still and quiet so that I can hear what he has to say. Sometime I get caught up in my needs and prayers that I don't stop and listen for his answer. I want to hear God speak back to me. He won't try and speak over me, he only speaks in a whisper and I have to learn to be still and listen for him. The bible says: "Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know". (Jeremiah 33:3) I'm learning more everyday on how to listen for him and all the great and mighty things he has to say.

My prayers may be a few simple lines of worship or an hour long list of my needs. But the power of prayer is in who hears it, not in who says it and that makes all the difference. And my prayers do make a difference.

"The Lord has heard my supplication, The Lord receives my prayer". Psalm 6:9


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer is a powerful thing, it has brought cities to their knees, and caused empires to fall. It has given the hopeless hope and restored the faith of those who had none left. It is our direct link to is personal, intimate and life changing.
Good post. And for the record, I do not think you crazy when I get called from the closet! I love ya!

3:50 PM  
Blogger Sonya Terrell said...

Kelly, you are about the only one I call from the closet. Good thing I have free long distance for when you move to La., because I will have to call you from there a lot because I will be mourning you leaving!!!!!!

3:57 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

best. entry. yet.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sonya, do you really go to the closet? I really do go to the closet. You can ask my mom next time you get your hair done. She will tell you that the closet is where I go when I can't take anymore. Jeremy will tell you too! "Amanda, come out of the closet!" He yells. Sometimes I still feel like I am the same little girl in that closet. But, lately I have gone in there a lot less. Thanks for putting it all together. Thanks for always being REAL.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Sonya Terrell said...

Yes Amanda, I really literaly go into the closet. I have done this for years. It's where I go when I just can't take it anymore!!!! God knows when I'm in there things are serious. But that's okay as I said he follows me in there and he doesn't leave till I leave.

Wow, sometimes it amazes me how alike we are.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Sonya, great post.. thanks so much for stopping by my blog. No, we don't know each other but we are sisters in the Lord and I know God meant for us to read these posts because before I sent mine I prayed and asked God to speak to someone. He did exactly that. Thank you for your post!

1:10 AM  

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