Thursday, February 16, 2006

100% Me - Approved and Accepted!

You know I hadn't plan on writing this today, I had another post started and just needed some finishing touches and I was going to post it. Well, things have changed and I now feel compelled after watching a Joel Osteen program to write something totally different. Joel talked about negative feelings....about ourselves. "Feeling good about who you are" was the title of his sermon. Over the last few weeks I have lived in that world of negative feelings...about me. Feelings of unworthiness, feelings of not being good enough, feelings that I needed to change who I was. What Joel had to say about this really made me think. (I will use a lot of what he said in this post put into my own words) Living in a world of negative feelings-not towards others-but towards myself is damaging and not in agreement with God. When I am critical with myself than I am being critical of God...because he created me. He created me for good, for his purpose and I have to believe he knows what he is doing. It is the enemy’s job to accuse me, to point out all my faults, to give me the nagging feeling that something is wrong with me, that somehow I don't measure up and It is up to me who I listen too.

A couple days ago I wrote on the qualities of love and how as Christians we must show these qualities to others as a witness for God. But I never placed the same idea on applying those qualities to myself. God commands us to love one another, to love our neighbor as OURSELVES. So in other words we can not properly love our neighbor as God intended if we don't love and accept ourselves. Wow! You can't give away something you don't have. If I have negative feelings about myself it will affect my relationships with others and worst of all my relationship with God. What I send out ...the feelings I have of what will come back to me. I can spend all my time loving others, but If I don't love me that love will never reach them. Love starts with God, it flows to me and it is then up to me how it flows out of me. I can change my rags of condemnation for robes of righteousness (good one, Joel!) I can take inventory of what I am good at, not keep list of what I am not. When I can do this, I can live out and give out the love that I was intended to.

I must have a better opinion of myself, get into agreement with God. I must not let condemning voices take root in my mind. Instead of picking on myself I must try and do my best. Will I fail....yes! But God knows my heart, he knows I desire to be a better person and he is on my side. He is not focused on my faults, he's not keeping a list of those faults, he's sees the diamond in the rough and everything I am trying to do right. He is not focused on all my bad moves; he forgets them the minute I ask for forgiveness, he focuses on all my good moves. The ones that make a difference, the ones that impact his kingdom. And when I am feeling less then worthy, less than perfect, he asks me to lean on him and he will make the changes that are needed to perfect me.

So this is me, I am; (yeah, I said it!) improvement over yesterday..and most of all a woman who's sole purpose and desire is to seek after God. Notice, I didn't put any negatives....oh believe me I have some and I really would like to change them, but little by little I am growing and making progress in becoming more on who I can become and not focusing on who I am not. God is pleased with me, he approves of me, he accepts me just the way I am.....warts and all. I am starting to feel good about who I am. I am beginning to get into agreement, that I am a child of the most high God and if he accepts me and loves me, than I accept me and love me.

I may not be who I want to be yet, but thank God I am not who I used to be!

I am 100% Me - Approved and Accepted by God! Well if I'm good enough for him.........I am good enough for me!


Blogger Patrick said...

awesome. that's what i was talking about when i was commented in another recent post of yours about grasping a hold of the TRUTH.

10:06 AM  
Blogger V. said...

God loves everything about you Sonya, but mostly he loves that you continue to bring your concerns, your worry, your perceptions to HIM.

His Word stands forever and will not come back void. Here's a little tidbit that I pray is so valid for your life TODAY:

"The remarkable thing about spiritual initiative is that the life and power comes after we "get up and get going."

God does not give us overcoming life— He gives us life as we overcome. W

hen the inspiration of God comes, and He says, "Arise from the dead . . . ," we have to get ourselves up; God will not lift us up.

Our Lord said to the man with the withered hand, "Stretch out your hand" ( Matthew 12:13 ). As soon as the man did so, his hand was healed. But he had to take the initiative.

If we will take the initiative to overcome, we will find that we have the inspiration of God, because He immediately gives us the power of life"


10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so refreshing....i agree with patrick, as i agreed when he first commented on hanging your hat on what you know to be true...that is where we will find peace..the truth is simple...and you said it!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Christy said...


10:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so happy to see this post. It's amazing how the Word appears right when you need it!

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very powerful, Sonya. Thank you for your word today. Michelle

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sonya,

It's great how you share your heart each time you write. I'm looking forward to next week!

Love ya-Tiff

3:22 PM  

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