I'm Thankful for..............My Children

Andrew - (19) Andrew is one of the most independent people I have ever known! He has been that way since he was born! He started sleeping through the night at barely 2 months old, I used to go and wake him up because is seemed abnormal for a baby so young to be sleeping through the night and I was afraid of SIDS. Nothing has changed, he stills does things in his own way, in his own time. He ran away when he was nine years old, because he didn't like that he had gotten grounded. Nine years old!!! He has always thought his way was better!!
He is also one of the smartest people I know. During his school years he didn't do so good with grades, but he always blew away the standardized tests and scored in the top percentage. He is also very, very loyal! I have seen him stick-up for his friends, even when they didn't deserve it, even if they did something wrong to him. He is also has a giving spirit (he got that from his mom!) he makes sure everybody is taken care of even at his own expense.
He is tall, good looking (he gets that from his mom too!) and the girls love him! I don't have a picture of him to share, because he hates to take them! Trust me, he's cute!!
He is a little lost right now, but he's working on bettering his life. He took the first positive step in doing that this past week and I am so proud of him! I know he will be an amazing man one day and all the challenges we have went through will be forgotten. He truly has a heart of gold and I have faith that God will strip away all the useless, prideful layers so that it will shine through!
Nicholas - (11) Nicholas is the exact opposite of his brother! I don't know how two brothers could be so different. He is not independent and he didn't sleep through the night till he was 10 months old! He doesn't do anything his own way, he always comes to mom or dad for guidance.
He does share one thing with his brother, he is smart too! He always gets A's and B's on his report card. He has a knack for math and science. Although he hates school, he still tries to do his best. I think learning comes natural to him; he doesn't have to try to hard.
He is shy and reserved (unlike his mother!) and it takes him a while to warm up to people. Yet he loves to go to parties, go figure! He loves to play poker with the guys from church and has even been known to win! He has slowly been coming out of his shell and I owe this to us being involved in our church.
He also is a cutie, as you can tell from the above pictures!!! He will also have the girls chasing after him someday! Not too soon I hope, I want him to stay little for a while longer. He still needs his mom and I love and treasure that! He still lets me kiss him and we still hold hands sometimes. I will miss that when he feels like he is too old to do it anymore.
I am so very blessed to have two wonderful, loving, beautiful children! There have been some challenges while raising them, but it's all been worth it and I wouldn't trade one minute of it. I pray that they make God the center of their lives one day, just as I have. I pray that they grow into caring, loving men that will make God and their Mom proud!
I love you boys!!!!!!
I agree!! They are both wondeful boys. It has been a joy to get to know them.
Its so nice to put a face with your name.. Sounds like you have two wonderful boys!
You are a great mom, for sure!
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