Monday, January 23, 2006

The Comfort Zone

Everybody has their comfort zone and knows exactly what and where it is. It's the place where you feel the safest, the most at home and the most happy. It's a place we don't have to pretend to be something we're not. It's a place where we can just be ourselves. There is usually no fear within the comfort zone because it's familiar and we don't have to step out and take chances. This comfort zone covers all areas of our lives, our relationships, our job, our finances, even the places that we shop. We even put our relationship with God within a comfort zone; big mistake!

But what happens when we find ourselves outside our comfort zone? Our lives are turned upside down, we don't which way is up and we desperately try to find our way back to that place of comfort, to that place of safety. We pretend it's not happening and if we just pinch ourselves we'll wake up and everything will be as it was. We don't want the change, we were comfortable just the way we are, thank you very much! Most of the time it's fear that motivates us to stay within the comfort of what we know, it's the fear of the unknown that scares us. This is usually the part that gets me. But sometimes it's not fear that keeps us there, its laziness or selfishness. We become stagnant and too comfortable, and we are unwilling to take a chance on seeing what else could be out there. We think everything’s okay in our current comfort zone, so we don't see any need to add or delete anything. We have a good job, we have a best friend, we have a few extra dollars in the bank and really who needs any other place to shop besides the Gap! Oh yeah, and then there is God, we become comfortable in our walk and we stop pursuing a deeper relationship with him and only pull him out when we want something (that's where selfishness comes in).

But at what price are we paying when we are unwilling to step outside our comfort zone? What opportunities are we passing up? Could there be a better job out there that will fulfill us more and with it maybe allow more than just a "few dollars" in the bank. And what about friends, could there be someone out there that could fulfill a need in us that we don't even know we have. Or.... just maybe we can fulfill a need within them. And we all know that pursuing a closer relationship with God is not always easy and we may be asked to step out on faith and out of our comfort zone. What blessings are we missing when we are unwilling to do this?

Over the last couple of years I have been placed outside my comfort zone many, many times! Some of it by choice and some of it by force. I went from being married for 18 years to being out on my own. I have gone from living a selfish life the way that I wanted, to turning it over to God and living it the way he tells me to. Leading a women’s Bible study put me outside my comfort zone. After all, I had only been a Christian for a little over a year and what could I possibly teach someone else! Oh and the praying out loud in front of people; way outside of my comfort zone! I'm still struggling with that one!

But most recently in the last month I have been forced to step way outside my comfort level. The biggest being in my job and the way it’s always been. Things are not as they were and big changes are happening. With this comes the fear that nothing that comes with the changes can put me back inside the comfort zone I had known so well. Challenges lay ahead and chances need to be taken and this scares me to death. It is said that what God takes away he gives back tenfold. Well, in the confines of my comfort zone I fail to see this.

There is one other area of my life that has been changing and I have been fighting it every step of the way. I have pleaded with God asking him why? I just couldn't understand, I couldn't grasp what could possibly come out of it. The answer came to me last night while talking to a couple of friends at Starbucks during our women's church social. We were talking about how much God was taking us out of our comfort zone and taking us down paths we didn't ever think we would go in a million years. I was explaining to them how I had stepped out when deciding to lead a bible study and suddenly the "light bulb" went off and I knew then why this area of my life was changing. God was asking me to step outside of the comfort zone I had safely hidden myself in. Let go and step outside and see what else he has in store for me. I think I know why he's asking me to do this and what his plan is. I still have some talking with him to do and some searching to make sure this is the path he wants me to be on.

It hasn't gotten easier to step outside my comfort zone even with all the times I have had to do it. But life is about changes. With these changes we have to sometimes stretch our comfort zone to allow for something or someone to be added to it. And sometimes the changes narrow our comfort zone when something or someone is deleted from it. I can fight it and make it more painful or I can just let go and know that whatever is changing my perceived comfort zone, God has a reason. This is the only comfort I need.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is by far your best work. It is such a hard thing to be ripped out of the comfort you know and thrust into the great unknown. God brings about change in our lives and relationships that we just do not understand. I fight it daily and ? him constantly, but in the end he always brings about peace.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

This is really awesome Sonya! I always have to remember God is working things for my own good - I am not one who likes change. I am so thankful God always knows what we really 'need' even when we think we know what we 'want'.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one likes to be removed from their warm, comfortable spot....great blog...every single one of us who read your stuff can relate to this. Why do I fight it? I ALWAYS see in the end that God does bring peace to me...thanks for being so real-again!

8:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Very good post -- You're so right about the fear of stepping outside the box. This is something I struggle with A LOT! Thanks for being so honest!

10:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sonya, great post! You are such an inspiration to me and I sure am glad I have you. Right now I am experiencing some things that are NOT comfortable and it's rough but that's where God wants me so I better get it while I can!

10:01 PM  

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