Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm thankful for......It's okay to ask, Why?

I have always had this idea that we are not supposed to ask God the question, why? We are supposed to just deal with whatever is happening to us, whatever trial or problem we are going through. There is a reason you are going through what you are going through, God is refining you, he is working all things to your how dare I ask why?

Do you ever think about the word why and how many times a day it's asked? We ask our children, why did you do that! Our children then ask us why they are sent to their rooms for doing that! We ask the question of why to our spouse, why didn't you get the milk that was on the list? Why are we ordering pizza for dinner, I thought you were going to cook tonight? (I bet you stay-at-home moms love that one!) Why? Why? Why? I challenge you to try and count how many times that word is said in your home for one day, I bet you lose count!

Why do we ask the question, why? Because we want an answer, we are looking for a reason behind the situation. We are trying to understand. It's the same when we ask God, why? We just want an answer as to the reason we are in the situation we are in. We are not saying that God is wrong; we are just trying to understand. My friend Raquel talked to me about this the other night(thanks again Raquel, you are so wise) and pointed out to me that even Jesus asked the question of why when he was hanging on the cross, My God, My God. Why have you forsaken me? Matthew 27:46

So, I have come to the realization that it's okay to ask God why. It's not that I am questioning his authority; I'm just trying to find an answer, a reason. To gain an understanding. If I understand the reason, I am better equipped to handle it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I bet your boys have asked why many times. I think that God appreciates our asking. I think it's great to ask why! I think I do a lot!

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woo hoo, props to me! :)

6:35 PM  

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