Friday, March 16, 2007

Just Enough Light

One day at a time. That's how I am living now. Not sure about tomorrow or the next day or next week or a year from now. I'm only sure of today March 16, 2007.

About two weeks ago something happened, something that changed me. I used to dream of the future. I thought I knew my purpose. I had a passion. But after the "incident", I picked myself up and I left a piece of me behind. I no longer know what is in my future....what it is that God has mapped out for me. I just know that whatever strength I have he gives me each morning and only enough for that day. It's not a bad thing. I think it's right where he wants me. Broken, humble, lost only looking to him for the needs of the day.

It's a new road for me....this taking it one day at a time. I am a planner, a dreamer of the future. It's not been hard though. I don't have the strength to plan or dream. Everyday I pray that he allows me to get through the day with as much faith as is needed. Each day I pray for guidance in a certain area of my life. If the answers come...good. If they don't....get up the next day and pray again.

Today, March 16, 2007 I pray that truth will be revealed to me. Confusion wraps itself around my mind and I want to dispel it and come to the truth.

Today, March 16, 2007 I pray that God allows me just enough light for today.

Just Enough Light

Sometimes only the step I'm on,
or the very next one ahead,
is all that is illuminated for me.
God gives just the amount of light I need
for the exact moment I need it.
At those times I walk in surrender to faith,
unable to see the future
and not fully comprehending the past.
And because it is God who has given me
what light I have,
I know I must reject the fear and
doubt that threatens to overtake me.
I must determine to be content where
I am, and allow God to get me where I
need to go.
I walk forward,
one step at a time,
fully trusting that
the light God sheds
is absolutely sufficient.

(taken from the book...Just Enough Light forr the Step I'm On, by Stormie Omartian)


Blogger Patrick said...

there's an interesting dichotomy between the title of your blog page and the subject of this post.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Carrie Bourne said...

You are loved and being prayed for. I love the verse in Proverbs 18:10, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are safe." May the God of all cover you with His security and peace.

9:15 PM  
Blogger V. said...

May one corner of your flashlight beam always catch a part of Jesus' face.

No matter where you are, what you do, let that glimpse carry you.


The LORD bless you and keep you;

The LORD make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you;

The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give You His peace.

8:14 AM  
Blogger harleyghost said...

It only takes a little light to get you through dark times. You may not get enough light to see the end of the road ... but sometimes all you need is enough to make the next step. It works for me.

10:04 PM  

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