Chance Meeting?
Ever have those times when something happens that you KNOW was orchestrated by God? You sit in awe at all the "coincidence's" that bring you to a place that when you really look at them you know it wasn't coincidence's after all, but steps directly ordained by God. Yesterday this happened to me and someone else.
Over the last couple of days I have really been looking at my selfish nature, the me, me, me complex (you know you relate, because we all have it!) and I had been asking God to make me more aware of others and their needs. Yesterday morning specifically I prayed for someone I could help, someone I could pray for. I had the day off and decided to make a trip to the library. Now mind you, I hadn't been to the Frisco library since moving here in '98 and I had this bright idea to go and get a library card. I had been thinking about doing it all summer but always put it off, so yesterday I decided to actually do it. While on the drive over I sent a text to an old friend that I hadn't talked to in awhile and asked how she was doing. She had been on my mind a lot the last couple of days. I didn't get a text back by the time I reached the library but that was no big deal, she was a busy lady. As I was standing at the counter waiting on the librarian to finish the library card process I turned around to scan the room and standing right there in line behind me was my old friend! We hugged and I laughed and told her it was funny seeing her there because I had just sent her a text a few minutes before. She said she had gotten it but hadn't responded because the question I had sent of how are you was a loaded question and would take some time to answer.
We finished our business at the counter and moved to sit at the tables outside and we talked for awhile. She is going through some rough times and my heart hurt for her. I listened and gave what feeble advice I could give and then prayed for her (I've never done that in such a public place!). We both joked how weird it was that we both ended up at the library at exactly the same time, but we both ending up agreeing that God brought us together. I don't know if any of my thoughts or advice helped her but I think she just needed someone to listen.
So, my dear friend know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. Thank you for trusting in me and thank you for being there and showing just how much God can work in our lives. Remember what I told you......HE has in all under control and will lead you in the right direction. Look how he led us together yesterday.
Chance meeting? I think not! :)
Over the last couple of days I have really been looking at my selfish nature, the me, me, me complex (you know you relate, because we all have it!) and I had been asking God to make me more aware of others and their needs. Yesterday morning specifically I prayed for someone I could help, someone I could pray for. I had the day off and decided to make a trip to the library. Now mind you, I hadn't been to the Frisco library since moving here in '98 and I had this bright idea to go and get a library card. I had been thinking about doing it all summer but always put it off, so yesterday I decided to actually do it. While on the drive over I sent a text to an old friend that I hadn't talked to in awhile and asked how she was doing. She had been on my mind a lot the last couple of days. I didn't get a text back by the time I reached the library but that was no big deal, she was a busy lady. As I was standing at the counter waiting on the librarian to finish the library card process I turned around to scan the room and standing right there in line behind me was my old friend! We hugged and I laughed and told her it was funny seeing her there because I had just sent her a text a few minutes before. She said she had gotten it but hadn't responded because the question I had sent of how are you was a loaded question and would take some time to answer.
We finished our business at the counter and moved to sit at the tables outside and we talked for awhile. She is going through some rough times and my heart hurt for her. I listened and gave what feeble advice I could give and then prayed for her (I've never done that in such a public place!). We both joked how weird it was that we both ended up at the library at exactly the same time, but we both ending up agreeing that God brought us together. I don't know if any of my thoughts or advice helped her but I think she just needed someone to listen.
So, my dear friend know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. Thank you for trusting in me and thank you for being there and showing just how much God can work in our lives. Remember what I told you......HE has in all under control and will lead you in the right direction. Look how he led us together yesterday.
Chance meeting? I think not! :)
WOW, that's amazing! When I hear stories like that, I get the chills! People being brought in and out of our lives, no matter how randomly it can be, it truly amazes me how we all are connected in some way,shape,or form.
Being intentional is when we receive the true gifts that are out there for us. Being giving is what makes others give to us. Being loving and extending a hand to those around us is what makes them "pay it forward".
There is no better feeling than seeing how we can impact others around us. Thanks for sharing and for extending you kind words and thought to me. :o)
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