a. The act of justifying.
b. The condition or fact of being justified.
2. Something, such as a fact or circumstance, that justifies
You know it always mystifies me how some people can justify their behavior. Justification to me is just another word for excuse when it is done out of anger or hurt. They have been wronged so it's okay to wrong someone else. It's okay to hurt someone’s feelings, because their feelings have been hurt. Oh...and what about saying angry words or writing angry emails because they THINK or PERCEIVE that someone has done them wrong. I'm just going to tell them how I feel! They hurt me and I need to let them know....this is just a couple of the lines they use to justify their behavior. The Bible clearly states "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear". Ephesians 4:29 Or how about telling a lie because it's just a little one and it's for the better that way (in their mind) But my favorite the one that gets me every time is some do these things knowing they are wrong, because they know God will forgive them! What kind of justification is that?!
I do not justify hurting someone else because I have been hurt. I do not justify lying to someone because I am angry and I want to lash out. Please believe me I am not perfect! Do I hurt people sometimes...yes. Do I stretch the truth to make myself look better or feel better...yes, probably...although I HATE lying. Maybe, people justify lying because they think it is the best way to handle a situation. Let me tell you there is NO justification for lying!
Please believe me I am not writing this to judge anyone. I woke up at 3:00am this morning with these thoughts in my mind and I felt like I needed to write it down. I think we all try and justify our thoughts, our bad behaviors and our attitudes from time to time. But we must look past the emotions, look past the feelings and look at the cold hard facts......Am I justified by God's standards?
Wow! We all try to justify our actions..it is part of our nature. We seek company with those that will justify us...and the things we do. And the funny things is when we are doing what we should be..justification is rarely needed or sought out. So when looking fo rjustification or valdiation as to whether or not what we did was the right thing to do, we may already have our answer. Good thoughts to ponder. Love ya much!!
God's standard is our ultimate judge...may we always live according to where His Word follows.
Proverbs 23:23 says, "Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding."
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