Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Who Would Have Thought?

Yesterday while driving to the office, actually looking forward to the finally struck me what a big change I had made in my life with the change in teams I work for. The thought, "who would have thought" that I, someone who hates change with a passion would have made such a big one without blinking an eye and actually looked forward to it! Boy...was that a weird moment, very out of the ordinary.

As I pondered the thought my mind started going through the last couple of years of my life and all the big changes I had made. So many changes, some of them drastic, some of them gradual, and some of them proceeded with a lot of kicking and screaming. It amazed me as I thought about it and tears of joy and sadness,...mostly joy....threaten to fall. So many changes in such a little time.

So here it is for me to share all of my "Who would have thoughts" some of them simple things, some of them drastically changing my life.

Who would have thought....that the girl divorced after 18 years of marriage, who was looking forward to a single life of partying, of dating as many men as I could and yes, I will admit probably sleeping with them too, would instead walk into a church one Sunday morning and have her life changed! That, my friends was not in the plans I had laid out.

Who would have thought....that on the Sunday morning God would become my everything. That I would give my heart, my life, my desires, my dreams, my decisions, my absolutely everything and hand it over to him to care for. That was the biggest change for me in almost 39 years and the absolute BEST change I could ever make.

Who would have thought....the girl that hadn't been to church in 20 years would lead a women's Bible study. Who would become an intricate part of the greatest church on earth. Who would live out her life to serve the people of this church. Who's dream is to be able to one day live her life to only work for that church.

Who would have thought....that what I considered to be the best friend I had ever had would hurt me very badly and leave me wondering what was wrong with me, what I needed to change about me.

Who would have thought....just after that hurtful time, God would teach me what true friendship was. He gave me some of the greatest people in the world to be friends with. Friends that washed that hurt away and taught me that there is nothing wrong with me. Friends that hold me up when I get down. Friends that I share every day of my life with. the good, the bad, and the ugly. Friends that love me.

Who would have thought....that I would my friend Kelly puts it....from a crying, balled up mess on the sofa, to the woman of faith that I am now. And most importantly willing to grow my faith more and more.

Who would have thought....that the amazing team I worked with for the past two years, that I loved with a passion, that I thanked God for almost daily, would change drastically and leave me to make the decision to change to another one. A change to something I didn't know, to work with people I didn't know. So far...because I truly believe it had God's has actually been a delightful change.

Who would have thought....that after trying to be a blonde by putting as many blonde highlights in my hair as I could, would change to a brunette and love it! (Thought I would put a fun one in there!)

Most importantly who would have thought....that the girl who hates change sat in her car yesterday and reflected on all the changes over the last couple of years and had to admit that changes can actually be a good thing.

Who would have thought it!


Blogger Patrick said...

good stuff!

9:07 AM  
Blogger Carrie Bourne said...

enjoyed this...amazing, isn't it? one scripture comes to mind, "and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God."

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would!! God never called us to stand still and to move backwards would be pointless, and to move forward requires us to let go of the things that are holding us back. I knew that God had great things planned for your life, and I am so glad that all the crazy changes he has brought you through, led you here...the place you can look back on it and smile, knowing it was all worth it.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's so great just to hear how happy you are. It's amazing to see all the wonderful things God has done in your life (and exciting to know all that he will continue to do!)

2:57 PM  
Blogger V. said...

Welcome back!

Change is good!


7:34 AM  

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